Preparing Your House Front For Sale

How To Give Your Home A Makeover

Do you want to put your home on the market? If you are thinking of selling then you should put some effort into making your house the best-presented property in the street. As they say, “first impressions are lasting”. Think about when you look at a property and the entrance including the garden is not looked after. When potential buyers first see your home they will be impressed if the lawns are manicured and the facade of the property is in excellent condition.

Over time a house will slowly age and deteriorate a little. Naturally, we become used to this. We don’t notice the little imperfections creeping such as pealing paints, cracks and so on. Ask a friend to take a tour of your home and see what their honest impression is. Even asking a real estate agent is a very good idea. After all, this is what they do for a living.

front garden

The next step is to create a list from the plan you have drawn up. Depending on your budget you might have to get your hands very dirty. At the end of the project, you will feel satisfied and at the same time add value to your home. The more great first impressions you create the more you will sell your property for.

Listen To The Research

The majority of home buyers will offer less than the asking price if they feel your home has been neglected. The visual neglect they see will make them wonder what hidden issues does the home have. So it is extremely important that the home is presented that appeals to a wide range of buyers.

The garden is just the first step. Even if the garden is small it is wise to cut the lawns, trim the edges and remove all weeds. Statistics say that a properly landscaped garden can add 23% to the value of the home. So it may be worth get a couple of quotes from landscapers or add this to one of your projects in your plan. A garden that is not taken care of can reduce the value of the home between 5% – 15%.

Fix The Obvious Issues

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to wash the facade of your home. A good pressure washer will reveal any problems you may have. It also removes any grime that has built up over time and spider webs. If you have noticed a number of problems that need fixing then add these to your list. Check off your list all the things you are capable of fixing and make a separate list for professional help you need.

If the home is not well maintained you will not realise the properties true value. Potential buyers will be making mental notes and in some cases, they will be writing down all the problems. And if they are very thorough they will calculate the costs to fix any problems. So, presentation, presentation and presentation.

Some problems could be those of your neighbours. Over time trees they may have planted are creeping into your property and there may also be some dead branches. This is something they may have no idea about. So have a friendly chat and see how you can clean it up.

The Path To The Front Door

Let’s start with the letterbox. Put some new gold plated numbers in a fancy font on the letterbox. It is a subtle way of adding a tiny bit of class to the home. But it will be noticed and is very cheap to do.

beautiful home facades

Clean the front door and door handle thoroughly. Include a strong well made welcome doormat to the entrance. Sweep out the tiniest bit of debris. The entrance should be as clean as the entrance to a beehive.  Add some pot manicured pot plants at the entrance.

You may be surprised how a little bit of effort can have your home looking sparkling and new.  This effort will be well worth it and will give you a sense of pride.

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Preparing Your House Front For Sale