Real Estate Appraisal Yarragon VIC 3823

How Much is my Home Worth in Yarragon?

The median price for a house in Yarragon as of November 16, 2022, was $597,500. The 12-month capital growth is at 29.17%. Quarterly growth is up 1.64%. The average annual capital growth is 13.79%. It takes on average 24 days to sell a house in Yarragon. The gross rental yield is a healthy 3.84%. The DSR or Demand to Supply Ratio ranks property in Yarragon as good. This is a healthy market for investors. Demand is ahead of supply but not alarmingly. Buyers are rarely able to get away with low-ball offers. Sellers are usually getting the prices they ask for. Expect growth to exceed the national average.

Median House prices and rent returns in Yarragon

  • 3 bedroom house $536,775 Rent per week No Data

Free Real Estate Appraisal Yarragon

Real estate appraisal Yarragon VIC 3823

Do you want to sell your home or land in Yarragon? Or, do you want to know what the market price of your property is? We offer free property appraisals on houses and land in Yarragon. Each property is different and we will give you an accurate price on what you can expect if you sell your home. Our appraisals are based on recent sales history, location to shops and amenities.

Our team is happy to meet with home and landowners that are contemplating selling their property. We have a database of potential buyers interested in property in Yarragon.

Property Valuation Yarragon

Do you think an appraisal and a valuation are the same things? Most people do and they are half correct. But, if for legal reasons you require a valuation then you will need to engage a licenced valuer. The licenced valuer will charge you a fee. An appraisal can be performed by any licenced real estate agent.
How do we appraise a property in Yarragon

  • Location to amenities
  • Recent sales history of Yarragon
  • Proximity to schools and shops
  • Comparing market values

Things to do in Yarragon

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Real Estate Appraisal Yarragon VIC 3823